the gates are closed
my fate is sealed
and now I sit here
with what's real
the gates are closed
my fate is sealed
and now I sit here
with what's real
elul came
and elul went
a 30-day alarm clock
broken, bent
rosh hashannah came
and then it went
a crimson blossom
in sacchrine scent
the days between
then yom kippur
our judgement stamped,
our bodies rent
and then just 5 days
'til hag sukkoys
where broken bodies
laid in open tents
enveloped round
just like our fates
which by the end
were sealed, sent
and now we sit here
knowing that
in Her hands is
whatever's meant
life and death and
good and bad
and narrow bridge to
wide expanse
it's laid out now
for us to travel
her hands thumb the thread,
she lets unravel
so what's to do
for a soul and skin
whose fate is sealed
in last year's sin
and mitzvah's racked up
joyfully done
from a journey around
a now-set sun
what to do
when the gates are closed
and your fate is sealed
and now you sit here
with what's real
when the gates are closed
and your fate is sealed
and now you sit here
with what's real
despair, an option
surrender, too
if it doesn't matter
what we do
but there's not much truth
in that shortsighted view
that a year is all
that defines what we do
you and me,
are here because
a thousand generations
created us
with every action
and fraught decision
communal will
and breached division
we do not work
just for the year we're in
what a limited and broken
and small vision
we work for the future that
has not been written
we're tasked by tradition
to be with what is
and know that wisdom comes
with acceptance
and yet were also told
that with our breath
every prayer
that we have said
can stitch the world
a crimson crown
can crack it open
with shofar sound
can free a people
can split a sea
but with split-screens
they're telling me
your attention's "Now!"
3 minutes out
is all that you
should worry bout
because that is all
that really counts
but they can't take
this sight from us
because our fates been sealed
our letters sent
and in Her hands
they're soflty kept
so though they try
to scare us here
to take my faith
and leave me fear
my soul's already
generations past
and by that time
this will all be dust
im working now,
for next years seal
by living right
inside what is real
because though the gates are closed
and my fate is sealed
I'm living here
for next year's seal
and the seal after
and a thousand still
as I sit here now
with all that's real