like a sprout straining its curled spine against the husk
like a baby pressing its face against the restaurant's window pane,
trying to reach the french fries on the table outside
like the moon and the earth, caught in their celestial two-step
- inching closer only to move farther away,
their gravity electrifying the tantalizing void in between
like the chick cracking the eggshell now with only the membrane beneath it to push through
like that same sprout
at the edge of the soil-line,
just a centimeter below breaking through to the sun
not kissing you
has been an exercise in restraint
a master-class in unbreachable nearness
- in advanced tantalization technique
in how to hold two same-pole magnet-ends together for two-weeks straight without easing the tension
between them
in how to freeze time at the breakthrough
pause the chord progression one note before it resolves
on how Hashem holds the earth and the moon at distance
and just how much strength that requires,
and resolve
and even now,
even right now
with my mouth just a half-wisp of nothing above yours
i know
how much the earth and the moon must ache to bridge that gap
how much longer
can i wait
to do the same