we can't save every breath from being wasted
can't save every heartbeat from heartbreak
can't save every vertebrae from cracking
can't save a life
can't keep your body from aging
can't keep your mind from being mean
can't keep your hair from falling out
can't keep the freckles off your skin in the sun
can't keep my mind off you
i mean it,
i can't keep my mind off you
i mean it, you are gorgeous
and i mean it
lace your fingers right here in mine
cuz i don't wanna waste another breath
on "I should've" or "I meant to" or "I've gotta"
I don't wanna waste another heartbeat
on look-at-this or look-at-that
I want my vertebrae bent with the weight of you
i want em cracked carrying this sandbag of a heart you keep
stuffing past its breaking point
I want breaths that inhale with sweat and thigh
and exhale with "that's it"
I wanna inhale an afternoon and exhale the summer long
i wanna inhale your "I"
and exhale our "love"
and then I want my heartbeats tapping
til they're e x h a u s t e d
and then maybe, hopefully, at some point we'll have spent it all
maybe we'll have sucked each jealous drop of silan this sweet life could've ever let loose on our tongues
and maybe we'll let our last breaths make harmony in time with our cymbal-tap chests
lay our tired spines down and keep our fingers laced soft
nuzzle my head between your collar bone and chin
and in lavish abandon
after saving them for a lifetime
waste my last moments nestled in you