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Ma'ariv over Granada

The setting sun of Andaluz wipes tears off a face like it does light from olive tree tops

and coats tiled old-city techos in bluish-black

My words swim in air thick with ecstacy and anguish

In the sheer gravity of pecho-prayer pined-for, prayer centuries silenced, prayer echoed eternal:

the sun is pulled to its momentary cushion of stars.

and her eyes close in scarf-soft peace

as her lips lace incantation in the wind

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jealousy is a beach ball drowned by sunscreened arms in a concrete pool it shoots out of the water of your belly with thunderous propulsion the burn of lightning struck charring insides cold as frostb


you don't realize your breathing's been strained until it is clear again how not in love you really were until you're really in love good god love is a heart beating through clear valves for the first

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